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Upcoming Test Drive of the Rohr Aerotrain

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Upcoming Test Drive of the Rohr Aerotrain

Messagede ShawnDriscoll » 07 Aoû 2013, 15:04

Getting ready for Rohr's new test drive.
Dernière édition par ShawnDriscoll le 04 Juil 2022, 20:14, édité 1 fois.
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Expérimental 02
Messages: 78
Inscription: 03 Jan 2009, 15:04

Re: Upcoming Test Drive of the Rohr Aerotrain

Messagede Thomson » 08 Aoû 2013, 13:13

Wonderful! as usual, Shawn :wink:
Il ne faut pas tuer la Terre, on ne saurait pas ou l'enterrer. Michel GRANGER
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Re: Upcoming Test Drive of the Rohr Aerotrain

Messagede ShawnDriscoll » 08 Aoû 2013, 13:55

Thomson a écrit:Wonderful! as usual, Shawn :wink:

Thanks. I'm rendering an animation of it now. About 12 seconds worth. I think I have it going too fast though (600kph) But it looks cool.

I may have asked this before. I don't remember. But is there an Aerotrain True-Type font for download? I need to do a video title.
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Expérimental 02
Messages: 78
Inscription: 03 Jan 2009, 15:04

Re: Upcoming Test Drive of the Rohr Aerotrain

Messagede ShawnDriscoll » 10 Aoû 2013, 06:37

Old video shows the Rohr Aerotrain traveling through Victorville at high speed.

"Old VHS transfer of Aerotrain route from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Video-taped around October of 1983.
WARNING: This is footage from an altered Earth."
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Expérimental 02
Messages: 78
Inscription: 03 Jan 2009, 15:04

Re: Upcoming Test Drive of the Rohr Aerotrain

Messagede lega » 12 Aoû 2013, 01:22

ShawnDriscoll a écrit:Old video shows the Rohr Aerotrain traveling through Victorville at high speed.

"Old VHS transfer of Aerotrain route from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Video-taped around October of 1983.
WARNING: This is footage from an altered Earth."

Very nice ! Your work is impressive !!

I really the "old VHS transfer" description, too.

J'ai la nette impression que nous sommes sur la meme longueur d'ondes bien que sur ce point je peux affirmer avec certitude le contraire.
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Re: Upcoming Test Drive of the Rohr Aerotrain

Messagede ShawnDriscoll » 28 Aoû 2013, 18:05

mariasam a écrit:J'ai juste une question. a quoi sert donc le trou a coté du Logo sur la calandre? :lol:

A window for the camera.
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Expérimental 02
Messages: 78
Inscription: 03 Jan 2009, 15:04

Re: Upcoming Test Drive of the Rohr Aerotrain

Messagede pjskyman » 18 Oct 2013, 11:01

It was a spam, I deleted it :wink:
PJ Skyman
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