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Real Rohr Aerotrain film footage (not CG)

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Real Rohr Aerotrain film footage (not CG)

Messagede ShawnDriscoll » 23 Déc 2013, 20:22

Dernière édition par ShawnDriscoll le 11 Mai 2015, 02:59, édité 1 fois.
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Expérimental 02
Messages: 78
Inscription: 03 Jan 2009, 15:04

Re: Real Rohr Aerotrain film footage (not CG)

Messagede Laurent.R.84 » 23 Déc 2013, 23:00

Térrible cette vidéo :P Very very good...
J'y retourne.
L'Aérotrain, Le France, Le Concorde, La DS.... Mais ça, c'était avant! !!!!
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Messages: 105
Inscription: 30 Juil 2013, 01:25
Localisation: Althen des Paluds

Re: Real Rohr Aerotrain film footage (not CG)

Messagede fredh » 23 Déc 2013, 23:18

Is your father into the movie ?
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Re: Real Rohr Aerotrain film footage (not CG)

Messagede ShawnDriscoll » 23 Déc 2013, 23:36

Laurent.R.84 a écrit::shock:
Térrible cette vidéo :P Very very good...
J'y retourne.

The film was in worse shape. Faded color and even more dirty. I fixed some of it. Old projectors will scratch film, too.

fredh a écrit:Is your father into the movie ?

No, but there are a few people in the movie that he worked with. He knew the driver in the film, that replaced the test pilot that Rohr had hired but never showed up in Pueblo. He knew a lot of the people in the Chula Vista segment. I was 10-years-old when I saw the Aerotrain tested on very short track at Chula Vista. It was all white back then. My dad was working on other projects for Rohr when the Aerotrain was being tested (other Rohr trains and planes, some went to production like the Turbine Rohr).

Two of the guys in the test track segment still hang out with the Aerotrain.
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Messages: 78
Inscription: 03 Jan 2009, 15:04

Re: Real Rohr Aerotrain film footage (not CG)

Messagede Laurent.R.84 » 23 Déc 2013, 23:54

big thank you for the work done.
L'Aérotrain, Le France, Le Concorde, La DS.... Mais ça, c'était avant! !!!!
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Messages: 105
Inscription: 30 Juil 2013, 01:25
Localisation: Althen des Paluds

Re: Real Rohr Aerotrain film footage (not CG)

Messagede ShawnDriscoll » 24 Déc 2013, 01:00

Laurent.R.84 a écrit:big thank you for the work done.
:wink: did the transfer to DVD.
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Expérimental 02
Messages: 78
Inscription: 03 Jan 2009, 15:04

Re: Real Rohr Aerotrain film footage (not CG)

Messagede lji91 » 25 Déc 2013, 10:34

congratulation to the movies

but the movies haven't sound
i will like to listen rhor"s engine
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Inscription: 10 Jan 2011, 15:47
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Re: Real Rohr Aerotrain film footage (not CG)

Messagede ShawnDriscoll » 25 Déc 2013, 10:40

The transfer to DVD had no audio. Just the images were transferred.
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Messages: 78
Inscription: 03 Jan 2009, 15:04

Re: Real Rohr Aerotrain film footage (not CG)

Messagede Damien D. » 03 Jan 2014, 00:31

Thousand thanks for sharing theses rares footages. It's nice to see it working, and to discovers it's underside too (engine, brakes, air cushions, we have very detailed pictures here and a movies helps understand how things were (wonderfully) designed on this machine).
-= Damien D. =- /

"Si la connerie était transformable en énergie, la France serait indépendante du pétrole et même largement excédentaire a l'exportation..."
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Damien D.
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Re: Real Rohr Aerotrain film footage (not CG)

Messagede ShawnDriscoll » 03 Jan 2014, 01:28

Damien D. a écrit:Thousand thanks for sharing theses rares footages. It's nice to see it working, and to discovers it's underside too (engine, brakes, air cushions, we have very detailed pictures here and a movies helps understand how things were (wonderfully) designed on this machine).

My dad designed the brakes. He did all the hydraulics on the vehicle, also. The engine was probably the only thing he didn't touch. It came pre-built. It had to be repaired after someone destroyed the reaction rail with it (high voltage and electro magnets).
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Messages: 78
Inscription: 03 Jan 2009, 15:04

Re: Real Rohr Aerotrain film footage (not CG)

Messagede lega » 09 Fév 2014, 16:04


Many thanks for sharing these documents !
They show us several technical details we had never seen yet !

The sequence with the truck moving the ROHR makes a funny parallel with the truck moving the I80 french aerotrain.
Until the end of the project, the same story which took place in 2 different places.....

Thanks again for sharing.

J'ai la nette impression que nous sommes sur la meme longueur d'ondes bien que sur ce point je peux affirmer avec certitude le contraire.
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